Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hi, again.

Well, hi there. It's been 4 years since my last post. What happened in the last 4 years?
MAAAAAAANYYY THINGS HAPPENED. If I have to write it down it will be a long ass post maybe I could write a book? hahaha
Why now? I don't know either. I've recently came back from pondok. Well not recently, but like 2 months ago. I've always wanted to write a post, it's not like I don't have anything to write. It's because I have so many things to write and got confused and ended up not writing anything. Hahahah
I'm not a good writer but I've always wanted to share some of my thoughts through writing. Therefore I will try sharing some of my thoughts starting from now. This post is just an opener post after 4 years not posting though